Red-billed Pigeon

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@ Rancho Naturalista, Cartago, Costa Rica

Birds & Birding in Costa Rica: (Species Blog #9) – Costa Rica’s national motto and tourism slogan, “La Pura Vida” loosely translates to Live Life or Enjoy Life. With over 900 bird species recorded here, there is certainly lots to enjoy! Join with me as I guide you through the scenic wonderland that is Costa Rica. From the slow-moving waters of the Coastal Mangrove Wetlands to the heights of the Talamanca Páramo, over 300 species of birds will be featured in this blog series. **Some of this Blog Series photos (all taken by me) may have been taken in other nearby countries.

A Reflections of the Natural World Blog Post Series by Jim Gain


The Red-billed Pigeon (Patagioenas flavirostris) is a relatively large, robust species of pigeon found in coastal and lowland areas of Mexico and Central America. Its breeding range extends from southern Texas, United States, to Costa Rica. While it is common throughout dry forests in primarily coastal Mexico and Central America, it becomes scarcer during the winter and is an uncommon find in Southern Texas.

Red-billed Pigeon Distribution Map (from eBird)

Contrary to my first sighting of a very distant and hard to see single bird along the Rio Grande at Salineño TX, we spotted the first of many Red-billed Pigeons at the feeders at Rancho Naturalista. They were also seen at almost every spot we stopped at over the two weeks were were in Costa Rica.

@ Rancho Naturalista, Cartago, Costa Rica
@ Zoh Laguna Pueblo, Campeche, MX
@ Rancho Naturalista, Cartago, Costa Rica

View the three most recent Birds & Birding in Costa Rica series blog posts below.

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