Lifer 683 – Lesson’s Motmot

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Chronicles of a Birders Life List

Over the past 40 years I have had the good fortune to photographically document 85% of the bird species added to my “Life List.” This blog series showcases the images and anecdotal accounts that document those “Lifer” sightings and a little about the environment and culture of the area. This Lifer blog series begins with the first LIFER outside of the US, Lifer #624 and proceeds chronologically forward from there.

Reflections of the Natural World Blog Post Series by Jim Gain

@ Reserva de la Biosfera Calakmul – Zona Arqueológica de Calakmul, Campeche, MX

Lesson’s Motmot (Momotus lessonii) > Momotidae > Coraciiformes

IDENTIFICATION: Large motmot of tropical lowland forest and edge, mainly in humid areas. Perches low to high, usually in shady areas. Blue crown with a big black central patch, unlike solid blue of Blue-capped Motmot, which occurs to the north. Plumage overall less contrasting in pattern than Turquoise-browed Motmot, with much smaller tail rackets. The name ‘motmot’ comes from double-hooting call of this species, which can sound like an owl, and is mainly uttered around dawn.

@ Pook’s Hill Lodge, Cayo District, Belize

Date First Observed: 10 Jan 2022
Location: El Tajo, Yucatán, MX
EBird Link: Carrt. El Tajo, Yucatán, MX (21.395, -88.565) | MX-YUC
Birding With: Miguel Amar Uribe, Claudio Gomez, and Santiago Contreras from Mexico Kan Tours

Yellow Star indications the location of my Lifer sighting

DETAILS ABOUT SIGHTING: We had stopped and waalked along a side road where I scored a couple of lifers and had returned to the car when Claudio pointed out my Lifer Lesson’s Motmot. Unfortunately I was unable to get focused on the bird. I was fortunate to see and photograph them later in Campeche, Quintana Roo and in Belize.

PHOTOS TAKEN: Image titles indicate location including Campeche, Quintana Roo and Belize. No photos were successfully taken of the initial Lifer in Yucatán.

@ Brecha Burgos, Quintana Roo, Mexico

Previous 3 posts in my LIFER Blog Series.